
“I just wanted to thank you for putting together such a fantastic resource! I don’t have time to read multiple journals so this is absolutely perfect for me, thank you so much!”

“Thank you very much Simon, I really appreciate the time you put into collecting these articles. “

“Honestly I bloody love these e-mails!”

“It’s such a good idea and page!!”

“Thank you so much Simon, I really appreciate this clever idea. Vetlit is such a great resource for those of us who don’t have time to trawl through the journals!”

“This is a phenomenal resource thank you!”

“I am really interested in the articles you are distributing.”

“I always enjoy these, thank you!”

“Thank you it’s brilliant!”

“Wow – the website is great! The main thing I am most overwhelmed in my training program is digesting the large amount of literature needed for fellowship exams. Having a location to check in every month or so will be so helpful. Thank you!”

“Thank you! I love receiving these e-mails. Really helpful in my many roles”

“Good afternoon Simon, I just wanted to drop you a quick message to say that I really appreciate these emails and the time it must take you to put them together. “

“Thank you for all the work you are doing here, fantastic resource. I especially like the monthly emails as I can usually check out those papers, if nothing else! Loving the literature by condition section.”

“This is great! thank you!”

“Thank you Simon, another great selection!”

“Thank you for the monthly VetLit updates!”

“This is really neat Simon! Thank you for coordinating and sharing these articles.”

“Thank you Simon! It’s terrific and very helpful, especially for those of us without innate organizational skills.”

“Love the site – such a cool service that solves such a common problem.”

“Hi Simon! Just wanted to stop by and tell you how incredible your vet lit resource is! Simply amazing!”

“I find it super useful as a non-academic. The articles selected are always of interest and its digested in a really accessible way 😊”